You'll get over it

You are going to be rejected. Get used to it.

Your best friend will pick you last for the team,

and you’ll hide under the bleachers to soothe your soul with intense reading

but you’ll never win a literacy award, either.

Your crush won’t ever reply to that message that took all your strength

to write and send,

and your unrequited first love will make out

with your nemesis

at your birthday party.

You’ll get many emails and letters

that will regret to inform you that you’ll have to

come up with a new dream.

You won’t get the job, you won’t get the apartment, you won’t get the promotion,

you won’t find which medicine works best for your depression.

Your metro card will refuse to swipe

and you’ll miss the train on your way

to the doctor that will confirm that your embryo

refused to stay in your uterus.

There’s this scientist on TV talking about the universe.

He says there are hundreds of billions of galaxies out there.

Each galaxy may have hundreds of billions of planets.

We, imperfect humans, are a grain of sand on a massive beach.

What are you? You are the smallest particle within that grain of sand.

You won’t get any “like” or any comment on your latest post,

and your soulmate will forget your birthday,

and you’ll want to quit everything forever.

Oh but think how small all your rejections are as well!

How little they matter in the immensity of the universe!

You are going to be rejected, and you’ll get over it.