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What makes for a great Project Manager?

What makes for a great Project Manager?

Two events took me here today. First, I mentioned in a team meeting that Project Management is not rocket science. While I still think it is not, my coworker...

The STAR in Star Wars

The STAR in Star Wars

When I say STAR, I mean the Situation-Task-Action-Result method. When I say Star Wars, I mean Star Wars. If you have been looking for jobs lately, I am pret...

I don't think Yoda is a stellar leader and mentor

I don't think Yoda is a stellar leader and mentor

Disclaimer: no one, ever, will be able to accuse me of not being a true Star Wars lover, and I have proof. I’ll add: The Empire Strikes Back is one of my fav...

Movie Night

Movie Night

There was a pizza in the oven and custard in the fridge. That didn’t happen often, and could only mean one very exciting thing. My sister and I were meticul...

In a Galaxy far, far away

In a Galaxy far, far away

You are the princess in white, like a Greek sculpture carved in marble. I know you hated that someone covered your ears with two cinnamon buns. You are th...